Dr Rachael Davis

Dr Rachael Davis

Dr Rachael Davis

Developmental psychologist focusing on autism, cognition & education

Book chapter out now - Helping Autistic Children

intervention | inclusion | supports

In this chapter, we give a brief overview of traditional autism interventions, and discuss some of the (many) limitations, including the under-reporting of adverse effects (featuring the excellent work of @KristenBott, @MichealSandbank et al.) and concerns around compliance and "normalisation"

We then highlight some alternative areas of focus for supports and accommodations that can benefit autistic people. These include: The role of technology as a platform for play and engagement, rather than a training environment, the incorporation of intense interests in the classroom (highlighting the work of @thewoodbug here) and accomodations for inclusion in school & supporting friendship development by providing opportunities for autistic children to be together & teaching children about autism.

Crucially, we highlight the fact that any efforts to support autistic children must consider other important aspects of their identity, so understanding intersectional experiences will be vital in providing such supports.

Go read it now! It's in the 3rd edition of the Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Childhood Social Development. PDF also available here.

